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Sony Mobile Announces The List Of Smartphones To Get Android KitKat 4.4 :

meil | 10:51 |

Mobiles News

Sony Mobile has confirmed that the Xperia range Z will be upgraded to Android 4.4 KitKat.Toutefois, no date has been announced.The list includes the Xperia Z, ZL Xperia, Xperia Tablet Z, Z Ultra Xperia and Xperia Z1.
It's strange to see that the Xperia ZR is not part of this list, as it has the same hardware as the Xperia and Xperia Z ZL. It is also a shame that the Sony Xperia SP is not on the list.
However, Sony describes it as the first series of the Xperia range will benefit from Android 4.4 KitKat.

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